Very early Jensen Volvo P1800 chassis number 296 Swedish sold and current owner since 1996. Very well kept car thats been only driven in the summer and stored in a warm garage over the winter.
Very early Jensen Volvo P1800 chassis number 296 Swedish sold and current owner since 1996. Very well kept car thats been only driven in the summer and stored in a warm garage over the winter.
One owner for 50 years, between 1969 and 2019! Untouched timetraveller, year model 1970, always kept in a warm garage. No rust. Rubber and brakes renovated 2019.
One owner for 50 years, between 1969 and 2019! Untouched timetraveller, year model 1970, always kept in a warm garage. No rust. Rubber and brakes renovated 2019.
A rolling and preserved historical example of the so called EPA tractor history in post war Sweden. Presented in the shape of an early Volvo truck from the late 20's.
A rolling and preserved historical example of the so called EPA tractor history in post war Sweden. Presented in the shape of an early Volvo truck from the late 20's.
The original Saab 900 Cabriolet in its limited bright yellow version. This one has come from Italty over England to Sweden. An Italian market two liter turbo car in a used worn, but technically good, condition.
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The object is sold after negotiation or negotiation is in progress
The original Saab 900 Cabriolet in its limited bright yellow version. This one has come from Italty over England to Sweden. An Italian market two liter turbo car in a used worn, but technically good, condition.
An E39 in a M Sport version with the visible M5 original details. The extraordinary good condition and the Imola colour makes this a BMW to cherish as a coming youngtimer classic.
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The object is sold after negotiation or negotiation is in progress
An E39 in a M Sport version with the visible M5 original details. The extraordinary good condition and the Imola colour makes this a BMW to cherish as a coming youngtimer classic.
An early M-B SL representative from one of Mercedes longest serving models. Well preserved with a personal touch to the interior, probably performed in the 80's.
An early M-B SL representative from one of Mercedes longest serving models. Well preserved with a personal touch to the interior, probably performed in the 80's.
En Mini Moke av den mest eftertraktade årsmodellen. Efter fem år i Afrika kördes den hem till Sverige där den registrerades 1970. Totalt endast tre ägare.
En Mini Moke av den mest eftertraktade årsmodellen. Efter fem år i Afrika kördes den hem till Sverige där den registrerades 1970. Totalt endast tre ägare.
BMC:s toppmodell. Lågmilare med endast tre registrerade ägare i ett mycket bra skick. Endast löpande underhållen men ej renoverad. Ett alternativ till Rover och Jaguar.
BMC:s toppmodell. Lågmilare med endast tre registrerade ägare i ett mycket bra skick. Endast löpande underhållen men ej renoverad. Ett alternativ till Rover och Jaguar.
Jaguar XKR is sporting its 90's design with strong inspiration from the iconic E-Type. This one is an attractive drop head version with the powerful supercharged V8.
Jaguar XKR is sporting its 90's design with strong inspiration from the iconic E-Type. This one is an attractive drop head version with the powerful supercharged V8.
This iconic super car is part of a private classic car collection, and is in a top collector’s condition. It’s a dream car from Pininfarina fitted with F12 mid mounted engine
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The object is sold after negotiation or negotiation is in progress
This iconic super car is part of a private classic car collection, and is in a top collector’s condition. It’s a dream car from Pininfarina fitted with F12 mid mounted engine
A Fiat in a fantastically well renovated state of a very attractive model. Has been in Sweden for a long time. Stamp in the instruction manual from MK Volvo, projektering. Could it have been a reference car at Volvo?
A Fiat in a fantastically well renovated state of a very attractive model. Has been in Sweden for a long time. Stamp in the instruction manual from MK Volvo, projektering. Could it have been a reference car at Volvo?
En elegant fyrdörrars amerikansk sedanbil från bilismens ungdom. Mycket bra skick. Fin kaross och inredning och går mycket fint på vägen. Perfekt för bröllopskörningar och event.
En elegant fyrdörrars amerikansk sedanbil från bilismens ungdom. Mycket bra skick. Fin kaross och inredning och går mycket fint på vägen. Perfekt för bröllopskörningar och event.
One of the very few SP-2 that have been import to Sweden since the 1970´s. Made in Brazil and one of Volkswagen's sportiest, most beautiful and most unknown models
One of the very few SP-2 that have been import to Sweden since the 1970´s. Made in Brazil and one of Volkswagen's sportiest, most beautiful and most unknown models
Raised and proper 4WD Golf from a time when small SUV-type vehicles was not so very common as it is today. But a Golf Country in its last version "Chrome Edition" is for real.
Raised and proper 4WD Golf from a time when small SUV-type vehicles was not so very common as it is today. But a Golf Country in its last version "Chrome Edition" is for real.
This pickup has been used in the salt free north of Sweden, and has been garaged the last 10 years. Starts and runs but needs a service and inspection.
This pickup has been used in the salt free north of Sweden, and has been garaged the last 10 years. Starts and runs but needs a service and inspection.
Fint exemplar av en hoj som många motorcykelintresserade 16-åringar drömde om på slutet av 50-talet och början av 60-talet. En lättvikare på 200cc och 10,5 hk, en mc-sprinter för ungdomarna.
Fint exemplar av en hoj som många motorcykelintresserade 16-åringar drömde om på slutet av 50-talet och början av 60-talet. En lättvikare på 200cc och 10,5 hk, en mc-sprinter för ungdomarna.
The motocross bike that carries the heritage of the brand that taught the Americans what proper off road biking and motocross is all about. And when the King of Cool wanted to ride and race it – both on and off the silver screen – it was a given success.
The motocross bike that carries the heritage of the brand that taught the Americans what proper off road biking and motocross is all about. And when the King of Cool wanted to ride and race it – both on and off the silver screen – it was a given success.
Orenoverad och orörd, redo att köras som den är. Och registreras, förstås. Gammal skylt, ursprungskontroll och kvitto. Det är bara att sätta igång och jobba.
Orenoverad och orörd, redo att köras som den är. Och registreras, förstås. Gammal skylt, ursprungskontroll och kvitto. Det är bara att sätta igång och jobba.
En värdig representant för epitet original only once. Den här motorcykeln har bevarats i sitt fyndskick och har i sitt lilla sammanhang en fin historik.
En värdig representant för epitet original only once. Den här motorcykeln har bevarats i sitt fyndskick och har i sitt lilla sammanhang en fin historik.