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Opel Admiral 2800E 6-cyl — 1969

First year model of Admiral B in a fine original condition – this model has the larger engine with injection!

Michael Luft
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Frans Johansson
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"The car is above average condition, with original interior that’s decent condition with fresh paint. The car starts and run well."

60 000SEK
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Michael Luft
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Frans Johansson
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"The car is above average condition, with original interior that’s decent condition with fresh paint. The car starts and run well."


Repainted in white Pearl and still remains fresh for its age, original interior with some smaller holes in the driver's seat and slight marks on the headliner. Good chrome and the front bumpers were replaced when repainted. No MOT/test for many years has been on display at Jännaholms museum. The around the clock at 100,000 km, so the probable mileage is 126,666 km
Admiral was available with three different engine options – all straight sixes, 2, 8 liters but with single carburetor, double carburetor or injection. This car is the top of the line with the modern injection engine!

Technical data

  • Year
  • Registration date
  • Mileage
    12666 km 
  • Kw / hp
    121 / 162 
  • Fuel Type
  • Transmission
  • Interior finish
  • Colour


  • Mechanical condition:

    Startar lätt och går bra. Mindre bränsleläckage, bör ej köras innan åtgärd/service. Fukt, läckage finns. Motorrum i bruksskick. Höger framdörr går ej att stänga. Höger bakdörr går ej att öppna (tryckknapp utvändigt fastnat). 100-procentiga däck. Rostreparerad/punktreparerad med ny plåt undertill. Ny bakre ljuddämpare. Kupéfläkt ur funktion.

  • Interior condition:

    Originalinredning, hel och komplett. Orenoverad så slitage och användarskador finns. Dörrsidor och inttertak flammiga/fläckiga. Sarg till låsknapp på vänster framdörr trasig. Plastkåpa vid fotutrymme höger fram sprucken. Panel under instrumentbräda hänger. Inredning behöver en rekond för att få ett lyft. Bagageutrymme i helt original bruksskick.

  • Exterior condition:

    Utvändigt omlackerad, lackskarvar finns. Rostblåsor, repor och mindre lackskav finns. Större dörruppslag/buckla på vänster framdörr. Bula på tak. Krom i ok bruksskick. Vinyltak har mindre skador. Original hjulsidor i fint skick.

  • General condition:

    Utvändigt omlackerad och delvis renoverad, original invändigt. Bilen behöver mindre underhåll/service innan den brukas.

MOT (tech. insp.)

Fordonsstatus Avst 2007-08-31
Ursprungsbesiktning 1969-12-22 (typbes)
Datum i trafik 1:a gång 1969-12-22
Besiktningsperiod - 2005-08-31
Senast godk besiktning 2003-08-05
Skattebefriad Ja
Antal ägare 6

Facts about the model

Admiral B kom 1969 men produktionen hann knappt komma igång förrän oljekrisen slog till. Opel kämpade dock på mot konkurrenter som BMW 2500 och Mercedes W108 – och modellen kom att leva till 1977 då den ersattes av Senator. Admiral fanns med tre olika motoralternativ – alla raka sexor på 2, 8 liter men med antingen enkel förgasare, dubbelförgasare eller insprutning. I övrigt var det konventionell teknik med bakhjulsdrift och möjligheter att välja mellan fyrväxlad manuell och trestegs automat.
Admiral B hade sin grund i A-modellen från 1964. Den var i sin tur en lyxversion av Kapitän.

Location and viewing Information

Welcome to the showroom:
·     Monday 1 October at 15:00 to 19:00

Address: Göteborg, Agnesbergsvägen 28, 424 38 Agnesberg

Pick up

Collecting of vehicles, you need to book a collection time by calling our customer service +46 723 705928
The collection must be done no later than Friday 19 October

Once your payments have been cleared via our bank, we will send a confirmation to your email address and you can arrange a collection time.

Auction information

General information about the condition of the cars.
  • For this auction the cars are not declared as vehicles of daily/normal usage, rather they are described from a collecting perspective.
Important to know before placing your bids!
  • If you have won an auction where the reservation price is passed, please deposit to our client account the full amount before you arrange for pick up of any items.
  • You will be fully refunded, including the bidding fee, if you at the time of inspection and delivery is of the opinion that the description of the item does not match its real condition.
  • You will be debited the bidding fee if you do not inspect the item at its place of delivery.

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