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Ferrari 3.2 Mondial Coupé 3.2 V8 — 1987

Most affordable Ferrarin in the absolute best collector condition. Original paint and interior without remarks. Just driven 32,000 km, documented and guaranteed.

Michael Luft
Museums & Collections
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"Possibly Sweden's best and finest Mondial."

397 000SEK
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Michael Luft
Museums & Collections
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"Possibly Sweden's best and finest Mondial."


The car was imported to Sweden in 2001 from its original owner in Italy. It has two users in Sweden. The present owner, a car collector, has had the car for 3.5 years and is selling it because it is too nice to drive. Otherwise, it's a pleasure to drive, with a 3.2-liter V8 engine producing 271 horsepower, giving it a genuine Ferrari feel and performance.

However, because this was an entry-level model, it is rare to find nice specimens. The seller assures that this car has never been crashed and that the mileage reading of 32,000 km is correct. As a result, its an extraordinarily good opportunity to purchase.

Technical data

  • Year
  • Registration date
  • Mileage
    31735 km 
  • Kw / hp
    199 / 271 
  • Fuel Type
  • Transmission
  • Interior finish
  • Colour


  • Mechanical condition:

    It starts easily and runs smoothly. Because it has been driven a little in recent years, a simple service may be required before taking it on longer trips. Time belt shnaged 2 years ago and after this has the car nearly not been driven.

  • Interior condition:

    Interior is complete and in good condition, with no noticeable wear. The original documentation can be found in the glovebox.

  • Exterior condition:

    Excellent collector's condition, with stunning original paint. There is a simple and small dent on the wing edge.

  • General condition:

    Possibly Sweden's best and finest Mondial   We've never seen such a well kept and pristine car.

MOT (tech. insp.)

Fordonsstatus: Avst 2011-11-25
Ursprungsbesiktning: 2001-09-06 (regbes)
Datum i trafik första gången: 2002-10-04
Senast godkända besiktning: 2021-06-07
Besiktigad tom: 2023-06-30
Skattebefriad: Ja
Körförbud: Nej
Antal ägare: 3

Facts about the model

Mondial kom 1981 och blev en storsäljare som byggdes fram till 1993. Föregångaren hette 308/GT4 och var ritad av Bertone, medan Mondialen var ritad av Pininfarina och lite längre för att på plats med ett mindre baksäte. 1985 kom en större V8 motor, 3,2 liter. Totalt byggdes 927 st coupéer med denna motor.

Efterföljarna hette Ferrari 348 och 456 och när produktionen av Mondialen upphörde försvann Ferraris 4-sitsiga mittmotorbilar, vilket gör att denna modell blivit alltmer eftertraktad i samlarkretsar.

Location and viewing Information

Location: Lidköping

For viewing the vehicle, contact the valuator/depot:

Pick up

Collection must take place before: 2022-05-19.

NOTE! Payment (deposit to our account) must be made within 5 days and before collection.

Auction information

General information about the condition of the vehicles .
  • At this auction, many vehicles have been included in car collections and have been stored (mothballed) for a long time. For this reason, they are described from a collector's perspective and may need technical reviews and maintenance service - oil, battery replacement, new tires, brake review, etc. - before they can be used. .
  • During the auction days information about a vehicle may be updated up to the day before the auction ends. When you bid at the end of the auction period - and also if you have made an earlier bid - we therefore ask you to read the descriptions carefully, in case something has been changed due to new information.
Important to know before placing your bids!
  • Once you have called in an item and the reservation price is reached we want you to deposit the entire purchase amount into our client funds account before retrieval can take place.
  • When you need to retrieve a called in object we want you to examine it carefully. If you consider that the item does not match our description you do not need to complete the purchase. In this case the deposited purchase sum and the entry fee are refunded.
  • If you do not examine the item on the spot the call charge will be debited, but you do not have to complete the deal.
  • If you make the entire purchase exclusively at a distance you have 14 days to cancel, but must return the item at your own expense.
  • Your shipping costs and other costs are not reimbursed when the right of withdrawal is exercised. Swedish court applies.
  • For items that have not been collected within 14 days storage costs may be charged.

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