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Mercedes-Benz 280 SE W116 — 1975

First S-class model in well-maintained condition. Only two owners in Sweden since 1980. Been off the road since 2011. Now started and Driven. Glorious condition.

Michael Luft
Museums & Collections
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"Body and interior are both complete and nice. After a long period of inactivity, it will require service and testing."

46 000SEK
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Michael Luft
Museums & Collections
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"Body and interior are both complete and nice. After a long period of inactivity, it will require service and testing."


The car is being sold for the estate of a Mercedes collector who has had it since 1996. The car came to Sweden from Germany, five years ago and has only had two owners in Sweden since. The latest owner had it as a summer car from 1996 to 2002, when it was put away in a car collection. It has been off the road since 2011 but started up at regular intervals. The car started immediately when we tested it. engine and gearbox run well, and the brakes also work well. However, the car may need a service, because it has not been in traffic for 11 years.
The Mercedes W116 series was the first model that Mercedes officially called the S-Class and the last time chrome was an important part of the design and appearance.

Technical data

  • Year
  • Registration date
  • Mileage
    247670 km 
  • Kw / hp
    136 / 185 
  • Fuel Type
  • Transmission
  • Interior finish
  • Colour


  • Mechanical condition:

    Engine 2.8 litres twin-cam six-cylinder with fuel injection, 185hp. The last year without exhaust gas purification makes it a little more lively than the latter. Nice car to drive, the engine spins nicely and the car feels stable on the road, but as I said a service is needed as it has been garaged for many years.

  • Interior condition:

    Complete and nice interior, better than you might think considering the mileage, which is explained by the fact that the car has had tailored seat covers at least since the 1990s. We took them off before the photo shoot.

  • Exterior condition:

    Mostly original paint, some paint improvements around the lower body. No serious rust attacks. Does not appear to have been damaged and is in fine untouched original condition.

  • General condition:

    Nice copy, with the right engine and good history. The meter reading should be correct, the car looks better than 250,000 km, but it is also a quality car, a real S-Class MB!

MOT (tech. insp.)

Fordonsstatus: Avst 2011-02-22
Ursprungsbesiktning: 1980-09-05 (regbes)
Datum i trafik första gången: 1980-09-05
Senast godkända besiktning: 2001-03-06
Besiktigad tom: 2002-02-28
Skattebefriad: Ja
Körförbud: Ja
Antal ägare: 8

Location and viewing Information

Bilen säljs för ett dödsbo där vi av olika anledningar inte kan släppa in någon i garaget.
Vinnande budgivare får därför besiktiga bilen i lugn och ro, efter auktionen, när vi tagit ut bilen ur garaget.
Vill då, (efter besiktning av bilen), den vinnande budgivaren inte fullfölja köpet, av någon anledning, så går det bra att avstå.
Deponerad köpesumma återbetalas i detta fall till fullo.

Pick up

På grund av att dessa bilar säljs för ett dödsbo kan de endast besiktigas och hämtas på följande datum och tider:
Torsdag 23/6 kl 12-17
Torsdag 7/7 kl 12-17.

OBS! Betalning (deposition till vårt klientmedelskonto) skall ske inom 5 dagar och innan hämtning. När vi mottagit din deposition på vårt klientmedelskonto skickar vi en bekräftelse till din e-postadress och du kan planera för hämtning.

Auction information

General information about the condition of the vehicles .
  • At this auction, many vehicles have been included in car collections and have been stored (mothballed) for a long time. For this reason, they are described from a collector's perspective and may need technical reviews and maintenance service - oil, battery replacement, new tires, brake review, etc. - before they can be used. .
  • During the auction days information about a vehicle may be updated up to the day before the auction ends. When you bid at the end of the auction period - and also if you have made an earlier bid - we therefore ask you to read the descriptions carefully, in case something has been changed due to new information.
Important to know before placing your bids!
  • Once you have called in an item and the reservation price is reached we want you to deposit the entire purchase amount into our client funds account before retrieval can take place.
  • When you need to retrieve a called in object we want you to examine it carefully. If you consider that the item does not match our description you do not need to complete the purchase. In this case the deposited purchase sum and the entry fee are refunded.
  • If you do not examine the item on the spot the call charge will be debited, but you do not have to complete the deal.
  • If you make the entire purchase exclusively at a distance you have 14 days to cancel, but must return the item at your own expense.
  • Your shipping costs and other costs are not reimbursed when the right of withdrawal is exercised. Swedish court applies.
  • For items that have not been collected within 14 days storage costs may be charged.

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