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Rolls Royce Silver Shadow 6.2 V8 — 1967

An early left-hand drive Silver Shadow in a very good condition.

Johan Ålander
Valuation Coordinator
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"This is a well-kept car in a great condition; everyone must own a rolls sometime in your life time."

175 000SEK
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Johan Ålander
Valuation Coordinator
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"This is a well-kept car in a great condition; everyone must own a rolls sometime in your life time."


This luxury car is of course equipped with automatic transmission, power steering, leather upholstery, reading lights, thick sound-dampening mats, adjustable armrests on the inside of the doors, Picnic tables for rear seat passengers and a period radio.
These cars are pleasure to drive and command roar presence and this one come with the advantage of being inspection/MOT free.

Technical data

  • Year
  • Registration date
  • Mileage
    44972 miles 
  • Kw / hp
    131 / 178 
  • Fuel Type
  • Transmission
  • Interior finish
  • Colour


  • Mechanical condition:

    Runs and drive well in engine and gearbox with newly renovated rear brakes.

  • Interior condition:

    Good condition overall.

  • Exterior condition:

    Nice condition with some minor marks on the paintwork.

  • General condition:

    The car is in a good condition that can be further refined if you think it’s needed.

MOT (tech. insp.)

Fordonsstatus: Avst 2020-10-31
Ursprungsbesiktning: 1989-11-27 (regbes)
Datum i trafik första gången: 1990-02-03
Senast godkända besiktning: 2019-12-20
Besiktigad tom: -
Skattebefriad: Ja
Körförbud: Nej
Antal ägare: 3

Facts about the model

Silver Shadow innebar ett rejält tekniksprång för Rolls-Royce. Drivlinan hämtades från företrädaren Silver Cloud, men i övrigt var bilen nykonstruerad från grunden. För första gången använde man sig av självbärande kaross. Bilen hade skivbromsar och individuell hjulupphängning runt om. Fjädringen hade automatisk nivåreglering via ett hydraulsystem, tillverkat på licens från Citroën.

Silver Shadow var mycket framgångsrik och är den Rolls-Royce-modell som sålts i flest exemplar. Samtidigt höll märket Bentley på att gå under: för varje såld Bentley T-type, sålde man 13 Silver Shadow. Totalt tillverkades över 33 000 exemplar av Silver Shadow och T-type.

Mark I
Silver Shadow tillverkades liksom företrädaren med två olika hjulbaser. Konstruktionen med självbärande kaross gjorde det i praktiken omöjligt för fristående karossmakare att leverera specialkarosser till den nya Rollsen, men Mulliner Park Ward byggde en tvådörrars coupé från 1966, jämsides med en något mer upprätt tvådörrarsvariant byggd av James Young. Endast femtio exemplar byggdes av James Young varianten; produktionen tog slut redan 1967. Två år senare tillkom en öppen cabriolet. 1971 blev tvådörrarsvagnarna en egen modellserie under namnet Corniche.

Location and viewing Information

For viewing the vehicle, contact the valuator.

Pick up

Collection must take place no later than 2 week after the aucion.

NOTE! Payment (deposit to our account) must be made within 5 days and before collection.

Auction information

General information about the condition of the vehicles .
  • At this auction, many vehicles have been included in car collections and have been stored (mothballed) for a long time. For this reason, they are described from a collector's perspective and may need technical reviews and maintenance service - oil, battery replacement, new tires, brake review, etc. - before they can be used. .
  • During the auction days information about a vehicle may be updated up to the day before the auction ends. When you bid at the end of the auction period - and also if you have made an earlier bid - we therefore ask you to read the descriptions carefully, in case something has been changed due to new information.
Important to know before placing your bids!
  • Once you have called in an item and the reservation price is reached we want you to deposit the entire purchase amount into our client funds account before retrieval can take place.
  • When you need to retrieve a called in object we want you to examine it carefully. If you consider that the item does not match our description you do not need to complete the purchase. In this case the deposited purchase sum and the entry fee are refunded.
  • If you do not examine the item on the spot the call charge will be debited, but you do not have to complete the deal.
  • If you make the entire purchase exclusively at a distance you have 14 days to cancel, but must return the item at your own expense.
  • Your shipping costs and other costs are not reimbursed when the right of withdrawal is exercised. Swedish court applies.
  • For items that have not been collected within 14 days storage costs may be charged.

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