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Peugeot 403 Cabriolet — 1959

Fransk öppen friskluftsflärd. En lyxbil vackert tolkad från dåtidens vardagsbil i ett oemotståndligt perfekt renoverat originalskick.

Peter Sundfeldt
Skicka E-post meddelande

"Äldre renovering som har bevarats och hållit sig i ett fantastiskt fint skick."

485 500SEK
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Äger du en liknande Peugeot 403 Cabriolet ?
Kontakta oss för en kostnadsfri värdering.
Peter Sundfeldt
Skicka E-post meddelande

"Äldre renovering som har bevarats och hållit sig i ett fantastiskt fint skick."


Bilen såldes ny i Sverige 1959 med hela ägarlängden dokumenterad. Besiktigades senast 2018 vid 6800 mil och har få ägare på sitt CV, den näst senaste från 1974-2008. Den är samma modell och årsmodell som den kände deckaren Columbo körde i den populära TV-serien med samma namn på 1970-talet. Cabrioletversionen var en lyxmodell av Peugeots storsäljare 403 Limousine och bara 500 cabrioleter byggdes under 1959. Ytterst få finns kvar idag och 2-3 st har hittat till Sverige. Läs gärna mer nedan under historik.
Visas hos samlare i Lagan på dagtid efter tidsbokning på tel 0708 304543 (9-17).

Tekniska data

  • Årsmodell/modellår
  • Första registreringsdatum
  • Avläst mätarställning
    68678 km 
  • Kw / hk
    44 / 60 
  • Drivmedel
  • Växellåda
  • Klädsel
    Beige skinn 
  • Färg


  • Skick tekniskt:

    Oklanderlig funktion i motor och låda. Skön kuggkänsla i rattväxelspaken.

  • Skick interiör:

    Väldigt bra skick, knappt något spår av brukande efter renoveringen.

  • Skick exteriör:

    Lacken från renoveringen håller hög klass och ser ny ut med bara några små repor på bakluckan.

  • Skick helhet:

    Vacker bil med en härlig attityd som bara en fransk stor cabriolet kan förmedla till ägaren och till tout le monde.

Fordonsuppgifter från Transportstyrelsen

Fordonsstatus: Avst 2018-07-02
Ursprungsbesiktning: 1972-10-27 (regbes)
Datum i trafik första gången: 1972-10-27
Besiktigad tom: -
Senast godkända besiktning: 2018-05-09
Körförbud: Nej
Skattebefriad: Ja
Årsskatt: -
Antal ägare: 5

Fakta om modellen

History of the Columbo car and the model 403 Grande Luxe Cabriolet

Columbo's car is a major "character" in the series, a supporting player almost as familiar and beloved as the Lieutenant himself.

Columbo's car, somewhat like his dog,  is both a co-star and a sort of alter ego:   battered and unbeautiful, eccentric and woeful looking, but still a classic. 

The car is also one of Columbo's many devices of deception: murderers take one look at the car, and assume that only a fool would own such a relic.  As always, they are wrong.
Like its human owner, the little Peugeot is a veteran -- it goes the distance and shows no signs of being ready to retire.  Man and machine, both a little wrinkled, a little wheezy and out-of-shape, but still on the job and getting it done.  Appearances can be misleading, and no one should underestimate this plucky pair, the cop or his car -- they seem a little quirky, but they will persist and prevail.
But for all of its importance to "Columbo", very little is known today about the automotive actor that plays this crucial, long-running "role".  So, in order to shed more light on Columbo's mighty Peugeot, we have obtained some vintage original documentation about this vehicle. Here is what we found.

The Peugeot family, who still control the company that bears their name (the ads say it's prounounced "POOH-jo"), began as ironmongers.  They sold a successful line of tools, coffee mills, umbrella spikes and corsetry before they got into the automobile business in 1876.

Early accomplishments for the Peugeot cars included the first journey across France by petrol car in 1891, the first sale of a petrol car to a private customer in France, and race-car victories at Paris-Rouen (1894), Paris-Bourdeaux (1895), and in America at the Indianapolis 500 (1913) and the Vanderbilt Cup (1915), among others.

In 1910 the company opened its plant at Sochaux, France, where the cars are still made today. Columbo's car, the Peugeot 403, was introduced in 1955, selling in England for 1,129 pounds.  It was an immediate best seller.
Most of the 403s were 4-door sedans, and a station wagon was also available. 
The 2-door convertible was far more rare -- according to "Parade" magazine,
only 504 were manufactured in 1959.  When Columbo claims that his car is
"very rare," that is the truth.  No wonder information about the convertible is so hard to come by -- but it was basically the same car as the sedan.

Columbo's car is a Peugeot model 403 Grande Luxe Cabriolet (convertible),
manufactured in Sochaux, France, by "SA Des Automobiles Peugeot".  Different sources identify it as a 1959 or a 1960 -- probably there is one of each, including the original and the stand-in cars. This model was virtually unchanged between 1958 and 1965.
Here are some examples of how Peugeot advertised itself in those days:
"One of the 7 best made cars in the world," the 403 was marketed as a "Sportsedan".  The 403 was not touted as extravagant looking or flamboyant -- rather, the ads boast of "no fins, no excessive trim, no strange shapes". 
Yet even the hard-topped 4-door version of the 403 was distinguished by an exotic sliding sun roof -- this was a car for a family man who still had a sense of adventure!!
And at a base price of  $2,250.00 (American, which included shipping costs and import taxes),  this was a great investment in European style and substance.
According to one ad, "The Peugeot's nickname is The Indestructible. 
What more is there to say?"

Exactly right

The 403 boasted such "extras" as  available white-wall tires, heater-defroster,
padded dashboard, reclining seats, electric clock, windshield washers, trip
mileage counter and "an outside rear view mirror," as well as dual tone horns
(have we ever heard Columbo use that?), and dual padded sun visors.
However, Peugeot points out that "The one thing we don't supply with every
Peugeot is a radio.  We don't make radios."
Ah, but Columbo's own vehicle did have a radio installed -- going that extra mile for a touch of luxury!

"This French-built car is powered by a 4-cylinder, in-line engine of "I" head design, with hemispherical combustion chambers.  It has a conventionally mounted camshaft, operating the valves by means of push rods and rocker arms.  The cylinder sleeves are replaceable, wet-type liners.  The transmission is a four-forward speed unit, synchronized in all forward speeds.  The drive is through a torque tube, ending in an unusual worm-screw and worm-wheel type differential."


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Telefon: +46 708 30 45 43 (09:00-17:00)


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