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Rex Villiers 250 cc — 1932

A Rex with engine from German Villiers. Original Condition but very worn

Michael Luft
Museums & Collections
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Frans Johansson
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"An early 30's with nice patina. A complete item that requires renovation work."

9 000SEK
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Michael Luft
Museums & Collections
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Frans Johansson
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"An early 30's with nice patina. A complete item that requires renovation work."


Swedish Rex factory in Halmstad made bikes, mopeds and motorcycles. This 250cc has a motor from German Villiers. The engine does not go around but otherwise this seems to be a complete renovation. This Rex Villiers is originally from the currently closed car museum in Gillstad, outside Lidköping.

Technical data

  • Year
  • Registration date
  • Mileage
  • Kw / hp
  • Fuel Type
  • Transmission
  • Interior finish
  • Colour


  • Mechanical condition:

    Not started engine not turning over

  • Exterior condition:

    Renovation project, The bike is very complete

  • General condition:

    Good project fro renovation

MOT (tech. insp.)

OBS! Detta objekt säljs exekutivt för konkursförvaltare. Här gäller inte konsumentköplagens regler, utan objektet säljs i befintligt skick som det står. (= samma regler som när Kronofogden säljer).

Facts about the model

Rex in Halmstad is best known for its bikes but in 1908 they built their first motorcycle. Motorcycle production took off at the end of the 1930s - and between 1937 and 1955 the plant used engines from Villiers, Victoria and Zündapp.

Location and viewing Information

Registered members are welcome to the showroom:
·     Sunday 29 april kl. 12:00 to 17:00
·     Tuesday 1 maj kl. 12:00 to 17:00
·     Thursday 3 maj kl. 14:00 to 19:00

Address: Göteborg, Agnesbergsvägen 28, 424 38 Agnesberg

Pick up

Collecting of vehicles, you need to book a collection time by calling our customer service +46 723 705928..
Our opening hours in Gothenburg are as follows::
·    Weekdays 11:00-17:00
·    Thursday, May 10th 11:00-17:00
Delivery of items from other places is by agreement.

Auction information

General information about the condition of the cars.
  • For this auction the cars are not declared as vehicles of daily/normal usage, rather they are described from a collecting perspective.
Important to know before placing your bids!
  • If you have won an auction where the reservation price is passed, please deposit to our client account the full amount before you arrange for pick up of any items.
  • You will be fully refunded, including the bidding fee, if you at the time of inspection and delivery is of the opinion that the description of the item does not match its real condition.
  • You will be debited the bidding fee if you do not inspect the item at its place of delivery.

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