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Datsun Fairlady Roadster 1600 — 1968

Japans competition to the British sports car, a very cool design and a rare car to find in Europe.

Michael Luft
Museums & Collections
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Jan Byström
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"A rare and original car in ok condition."

120 000SEK
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Michael Luft
Museums & Collections
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Jan Byström
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"A rare and original car in ok condition."


A very rare car to find in Europe, it’s very charming! The cars in a working condition with an older paint job with some flaws. The cars come with chrome wired wheels with new tires. The clutch cylinder need to be replaced, this fairlady has a 1600 4 cylinder engine with twin carbs.

Technical data

  • Year
  • Registration date
  • Mileage
    90019 miles 
  • Kw / hp
    99 / 133 
  • Fuel Type
  • Transmission
  • Interior finish
  • Colour


  • Mechanical condition:

    Needs a service not been driven for years

  • Interior condition:

    Dashboard OK, seats are worn, middle consul repair with tape "see pictures". Mats have been changed, missing speakers and a new roof.

  • Exterior condition:

    Repainted years ago with some visible under coat work and runs. Some small dent on the bonnet and right wing. Rear bumper has worn chrome work, and small rust blisters around the rear wheel arch

  • General condition:

    An original car in a ok condition, would be better with some small fixes.

MOT (tech. insp.)

Fordonsstatus Avst 1990-07-25 (Förreg)
Ursprungsbesiktning 1990-07-31 (regbes)
Besiktningsperiod -
Körförbud Nej
Skattebefriad Ja
Antal ägare 1

Facts about the model

Fairlady var Nissan Motors svar på M.G. MGB, Triumph Spitfire och Alfa Romeo Spider. Första årsmodellen av Fairlady eller Datsun Sports som den också hette på vissa marknader, kom 1959. 1967 kom generationen som skulle tillverkas till 1970. Nu var motorn uppförstorad roll två liter och tillsammans med femväxlad låda var detta en mycket modern liten sportbil. Den fyrcylindriga motorn i gjutjärn med aluminiumtopp med överliggande kamaxel. Med 133 hk var detta en pigg maskin, som även gick att beställa med Mikuniförgasare och vassare kam. I Europa och USA såldes lilla Fairlady till mycket konkurrenskraftigt pris och tog också hem ett antal segrar i racingens standardserier.

Location and viewing Information

Welcome to showroom:
·     Friday 7 September at 14-20
·     Saturday 8 September at 9-15

Showroom address: Mossheddingevägen 49  Staffanstorp

Pick up

Collecting of vehicles, you need to book a collection time by calling our customer service +46 723 705928 or Ted Gryth 46 705 656 727.
The collection must be done no later than Friday 28 September

Once your payments have been cleared via our bank, we will send a confirmation to your email address and you can arrange a collection time.

Auction information

General information about the condition of the items.
  • For this auction the cars are not declared as vehicles of daily/normal usage, rather they are described from a collecting perspective.
Important to know before placing your bids!
  • If you have won an auction where the reservation price is passed, please deposit to our client account the full amount before you arrange for pick up of any items.
  • You will be fully refunded, including the bidding fee, if you at the time of inspection and delivery is of the opinion that the description of the item does not match its real condition.
  • You will be debited the bidding fee if you do not inspect the item at its place of delivery.

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