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DeLorean DMC-12 2.8L V6 — 1981

A renowned brand due to its short and intriguing manufacturing history and its fame through the movie trilogy Back to the Future.
This DMC-12 has been in the Sparreholm collection for a long time.

Michael Luft
Museums & Collections
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Jens Hasselholm
Operations & Auction Manager
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"Unusual good individual, no dents and an interior in fairly good condition. As for the looks a car in top condition. Sold as an exhibition unit or a spare parts car with no papers."

335 000SEK
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Michael Luft
Museums & Collections
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Jens Hasselholm
Operations & Auction Manager
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"Unusual good individual, no dents and an interior in fairly good condition. As for the looks a car in top condition. Sold as an exhibition unit or a spare parts car with no papers."


A car with a myth and history maybe worthy a more longlived brand, but the history of its maker John DeLorean and the movie series Back to the Future created an icon. This example is one of the better ones we've seen and has been in the Sparreholm collection for 25 years.
The body do not have any damage and is of course in brushed stainless steel. This car is not registred in Sweden and has no other registration paperwork. Complete original car and a good investment.

Technical data

  • Year
  • Registration date
  • Mileage
    55843 miles 
  • Kw / hp
    95 / 130 
  • Fuel Type
  • Transmission
  • Interior finish
  • Colour


  • Mechanical condition:

    Stable runner in engine and gearbox, although idling is fluctuating. Clean in engine bay and underneath. Older tyres and the gas springs on the doors, bonnet and boot lid does not hold the weight, and the air conditioning not working.

  • Interior condition:

    Normal wear and tear that goes with the model, and the inner roof top fabric is hanging.

  • Exterior condition:

    Very sound and good bodywork, only some very minor scratches.

  • General condition:

    Overall a good condition, but do need some small work and attention to details.

MOT (tech. insp.)

Oreggad. Handlingar saknas. Säljs som reservdelsbil.

Facts about the model

Otaliga är historierna om John DeLorean och hans eget sportbilsprojekt DeLorean. John DeLorean hade en lång framgångsrik karriär bland de amerikanska biltillverkarna och ville som många andra skapa ett eget märke. Med produktionen förlagd till Belfast på Nordirland där man behövde ersättningsjobb efter en döende varvsindustri drog man igång verksamheten 1975 och hann sedan tillverka 9 080 bilar mellan 1981 och konkursen året efter.
Med kaross i rostfritt stål och chassi till viss del i komposit var detta en mycket ovanlig bil. Ramen var konstruerad av Lotus och den aktermonterade motorn var i grunden samma PRV-sexa som bland annat Volvo nyttjade i 260. Från början var dock tanken att De Lorean skulle fått Wankel-motor.
På grund av de amerikanska avgaskraven sänktes motoreffekten från 170 hk till 130 hk, vilket inte mottogs väl av marknaden. Bilen höjdes också för att möta USA-krav på stötfångarhöjd, vilket försämrade bilens fina vägegenskaper. Vidare hade man stora kvalitetsproblem i början.
DMC-12 är också en riktigt filmstjärna, efter Tillbaka till framtiden.

Location and viewing Information

Welcome to the showroom:
·     Monday 1 October at 15:00 to 19:00

Address: Göteborg, Agnesbergsvägen 28, 424 38 Agnesberg

Pick up

Collecting of vehicles, you need to book a collection time by calling our customer service +46 723 705928
The collection must be done no later than Friday 19 October

Once your payments have been cleared via our bank, we will send a confirmation to your email address and you can arrange a collection time.

Auction information

General information about the condition of the cars.
  • For this auction the cars are not declared as vehicles of daily/normal usage, rather they are described from a collecting perspective.
Important to know before placing your bids!
  • If you have won an auction where the reservation price is passed, please deposit to our client account the full amount before you arrange for pick up of any items.
  • You will be fully refunded, including the bidding fee, if you at the time of inspection and delivery is of the opinion that the description of the item does not match its real condition.
  • You will be debited the bidding fee if you do not inspect the item at its place of delivery.

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