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Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow Corniche — 1969

A car from California in nice condition. At some point repainted but untouched in all other respects.

Michael Luft
Museums & Collections
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Frans Johansson
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"The car is in good overall condition - a neat collector's car. Needs bonnet service."

320 000SEK
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Michael Luft
Museums & Collections
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Frans Johansson
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"The car is in good overall condition - a neat collector's car. Needs bonnet service."


For its time one of the best and most luxurious cars. This is a very neat specimen that was well serviced by its former owner - the legendary Swedish shoe store owner Sko Uno. The car is imported from California and has at some point been repainted in the original colour bur seems otherwise to be in original condition. The bonnet is intact but the keder on the rear edge is partly disconnected, which is probably easy to fix. The bonnet does not close completely. Under the engine hood everything sems to be fine except for minor traces of oil moisture on the engine.
Since Sko Uno passed away a couple of years ago, his Rolls-Royce has been stored in his garage at a crossroad to Strandvägen in Stockholm. The car worked well when it was stored but is now immobilized.

Teknische Daten

  • Baujahr/Modelljahr
  • Erstzulassung
  • Abgelesener Tachostand (km)
  • Kennzeichen
  • Fahrgestellnummer
  • Kw / PS
    141 / 190 
  • Kraftstoff
  • Getriebe
  • Innenausstattung/Polster
  • Farbe
    Dark Red 

Beurteilung Fahrzeugzustand

  • Zustand technisch:

    Neat engine compartment with minor oil leakage from the engine. The car has been started and the engine works smoothly.

  • Zustand Interieur:

    Intact and fine in black leather upholstery. The colour is worn mainly on the driver's seat. Fine hardwood with some minor cracks. Dry wooden details in the sear seat and a small rip in the side panel.

  • Zustand Exterieur:

    Nice old paintwork. Minor damages behind the right side front and rear wheelhouses. A 10 cm scratch on the right side rear fender has been fixed using a paintbrush. Some minor chips are also fixed. The bonnet is intact but the keder on the rear edge is partly disconnected. The bonnet does not close completely - the electrical control is nor strong enough. Small rust spots and paint risings in the body under the rear edge of the bonnet. Chrome in good condition. Visible holes efter the badgebow in the front. Good tires. The rubber strip around the boot is dried out.

  • Zustand gesamt:

    Nice overall impression. A good looking and neat collector's car.

Fahrzeugangeben vom Kraftfahrzeugbundesamt

Fordonsstatus Itrafik 1992-07-09 (Konvert)
Ursprungsbesiktning 1990-05-10 (regbes)
Datum i trafik 1:a gång 1990-06-06
Besiktningsperiod - 2015-06-30
Senast godk besiktning 2013-06-13
Skattebefriad Ja
Antal ägare 4

Kommentar vom Besitzer

Finaste finbilen i samlingen.

Fakten zum Modell

Med lång tradition av specialbyggda karosser kom Silver Shadow 1965 med självbärande standardkaross. Silver Shadow blev bryggan mellan det gamla och nya men den sålde bättre än någon tidigare och på 15 år såldes fler bilar än vad Rolls-Royce lyckats bygga sedan starten 1904.
Bakom Silver Shadow låg ett mycket omfattande utvecklingsarbete vilket landade i en av världens då bästa bilar. Motor och låda var förvisso samma V8 i aluminium som i Silver Cloud nu kopplad till en automatlåda från Chevrolet. Resten var dock nyutvecklat och med hydraulisk självreglerande fjädring från Citroën, individuell hjulupphängning och skivbromsar runt om var detta en mycket högteknologisk och avancerad vagn. Så dröjde det också länge innan Silver Shadow moderniserades. Silver Shadow II kom 1977. Nyheterna var kuggstångsstyrning och möjligheten att köpa den med längre hjulbas. Därefter tillverkades den till 1981 när modellen lades ner. Som cabrioletversionen Corniche fortsatte man dock att bygga den till 1996.

Lagerort und Info zur Besichtigung

Welcome to the showroom:
· Tuesday 19 June at 13:00 to 18:00
· Tuesday 26 June at 15:00 to 20:00

Address: Göteborg, Agnesbergsvägen 28, 424 38 Agnesberg


Hämtning sker efter tidsbokning. Vänligen boka tid genom att ringa till kundtjänst på 0723-705928.

OBS! Betalning (deposition till vårt klientmedelskonto) skall ske inom 5 dagar och innan hämtning. När vi mottagit din deposition på vårt klientmedelskonto skickar vi en bekräftelse till din e-postadress och du kan planera för hämtning. Hämtning skall ske senast 14 dagar efter auktionsdagen, därefter debiteras 100 kr/dag i garageavgift om inte annat överenskommits.


General information about the condition of the cars.
  • For this auction the cars are not declared as vehicles of daily/normal usage, rather they are described from a collecting perspective.
Important to know before placing your bids!
  • If you have won an auction where the reservation price is passed, please deposit to our client account the full amount before you arrange for pick up of any items.
  • You will be fully refunded, including the bidding fee, if you at the time of inspection and delivery is of the opinion that the description of the item does not match its real condition.
  • You will be debited the bidding fee if you do not inspect the item at its place of delivery.

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