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Ford Modell T Lastbil — 1922

Reportedly one of the first trucks delivered in the town of Arvika. It’s had an older renovation and still remains in a very nice condition with all its old details. The truck has belonged in a car collection in Arvika for more than 50 years.

Johan Ålander
Valuation Coordinator
E-Mail senden

"The truck is complete and should be in a drivable condition with a startup service.

55 000SEK
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Johan Ålander
Valuation Coordinator
E-Mail senden

"The truck is complete and should be in a drivable condition with a startup service.


The man behind Arvika Vehicle Museum, Lennart Johansson, started collecting cars in the 1960s and this car came early in his collection, it’s been exhibited at Arvika vehicle museum before.
The car was renovated in the 1950s and is still fresh. The old registration number is on the car and with the help it is possible to get a copy of the old reg certificate and then register the car if you wish. Sold unregistered and we are uncertain about the exact year model. (Chassis numbers were missing on these cars; instead the engine number was given as the car's ID number). Nice exhibit that can be driven again with a review and startup service.

Teknische Daten

  • Baujahr/Modelljahr
  • Erstzulassung
  • Abgelesener Tachostand (km)
  • Kennzeichen
  • Fahrgestellnummer
  • Kw / PS
    16 / 20 
  • Kraftstoff
  • Getriebe
  • Innenausstattung/Polster
  • Farbe

Beurteilung Fahrzeugzustand

  • Zustand technisch:

    Not drivable today, but complete.

  • Zustand Interieur:


  • Zustand Exterieur:

    Nice used condition.

  • Zustand gesamt:

    Unusually nice overall gives a good impression.

Fakten zum Modell

Bilen som förflyttade det mesta i USA för 100 år sedan. Viktigt dock att se till så att den tyngsta lasten hamnade längs fram på flaket nära hytten.
Vintertid var snökedjor obligatoriska och ibland monterades skidor på framhjulen. Glykolen i kylaren hade inte gjort entré vid den här tiden och man använde istället rödsprit eller tömde helt enkelt systemet vid om det var risk för frysning. Vid kortare uppehåll lades en filt över den ömtåliga kylaren.
Att starta en bil som stått utomhus över natten var omständligt då motorvärmare var ovanliga. Även om vissa tillbehörsfirmor sålde slangvärmare var det långt i från alla hushåll som hade ström under 20- och 30-talen. T-Forden kunde från 1919 visserligen erhållas med självstart men startmotorn var svag och gjorde ingen större nytta på vintern. Så i de allra flesta fall blev det att ta till veven.

Lagerort und Info zur Besichtigung

Welcome to showroom friday 23 october , 15:00-20:00

Showroom address: Arvika, Jössefors industriområde (skyltat).


Once your payments have been cleared via our bank, we will send a confirmation to your email address and you can arrange a collection time.


General information about the condition of the vehicles .
  • At this auction, many vehicles have been included in car collections and have been stored (mothballed) for a long time. For this reason, they are described from a collector's perspective and may need technical reviews and maintenance service - oil, battery replacement, new tires, brake review, etc. - before they can be used. .
  • During the auction days information about a vehicle may be updated up to the day before the auction ends. When you bid at the end of the auction period - and also if you have made an earlier bid - we therefore ask you to read the descriptions carefully, in case something has been changed due to new information.
  • ATTENTION: Many of these cars are sold without valid Swedish registration documents, as spare parts.
Important to know before placing your bids!
  • Once you have called in an item and the reservation price is reached we want you to deposit the entire purchase amount into our client funds account before retrieval can take place.
  • When you need to retrieve a called in object we want you to examine it carefully. If you consider that the item does not match our description you do not need to complete the purchase. In this case the deposited purchase sum and the entry fee are refunded.
  • If you do not examine the item on the spot the call charge will be debited, but you do not have to complete the deal.
  • If you make the entire purchase exclusively at a distance you have 14 days to cancel, but must return the item at your own expense.
  • Your shipping costs and other costs are not reimbursed when the right of withdrawal is exercised. Swedish court applies.
  • For items that have not been collected within 14 days storage costs may be charged.

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